fevereiro 15, 2008

Guaratuba verão/2008

Linda foto, né?!

Guaratuba tem lá seus encantos..rsrs

Playing: Top Gun theme - Steve Stevens and Harold Faltermeyer

We are one

"You are not alone but how long can you run
It's much to late if you don’t know what you've got '
til it'sgone
Once upon a time you were a child but that was yesterday
Believed that magic in your heart would never fade away
But, hold your head up high and let your spirits fly
Keep hope alive yes deep inside
and your dreams will never die"


Lilian, eu e Ange...

eu, branca??? imagiiina

Mas de fato, não sou tão transparente assim..

Ter uma vida cheia de risadas e brincadeiras...

Não tem preço!!!

Foto do meu niver, depois de ver o Dio beeem de perto...
